Little Miss Rose came into this world with fierce determination wanting to meet her Mommy and Daddy. At 35 weeks she came in at slightly over 4lbs and passed all her tests. Nurses even told Mom and Dad that they've never seen a baby at 35 weeks be born with tests that are at full term birth. She is nothing short of a miracle! I've known Daniele for several years and met her husband TJ at their Maternity photos in the middle of December. These two have been married almost 3 years, so when they found out they were having a baby girl, Daniele reached out to me asking that I capture this new season in their lives. OF COURSE!!! I couldn't be more honored and blessed to serve them in this capacity. When I arrived at their home on Sunday morning, bringing breakfast from Panera, Dad was feeding Rose the last bit of her bottle. Since I was early on my scheduled session arrival, Dad handed Rose over to me so he could finish getting ready and I was so happy to feed this little girl. Shortly after he passed Rose over to me, she was sound asleep - y'all, like passed out! Nothing quite so precious as a sound sleeping babe. And this little girl slept! She didn't open an eye the whole entire time I was with them. A little stretch and a coo would come out, but she dared not open her eyes. Having a sleeping baby makes the session go so much smoother when their bellies are full and they have on a clean diaper. TJ & Daniele, parenthood looks STUNNING on you! You are such pros! When you plan your first date night post-Rose and you need a babysitter, you know how to reach me! It was so hard to pick a few favorites from our time together since they were ALL my favorites, but I think I managed to narrow it down pretty good. Friends, I give you Rose Ruby!

This is a great bllog